Thursday, October 25, 2018

Politico... Sigh

Politco just can't help itself.  The editorial board there doesn't understand basic constitutional principles.  Take for example, this headline.
Trump decries 'political violence' after years of stoking it
Their evidence?  It's even more flimsy than their headline.
 President Donald Trump once suggested that “Second Amendment people” could take matters into their own hands if Hillary Clinton won the election and stacked the courts with anti-gun judges.
It may come as some surprise to the editorial board at Politico, but that's just exactly why we have the 2nd Amendment.  To resist tyranny.   The President wasn't stoking violence, he was simply stating a basic political truth.  The 2nd Amendment is about shooting tyrants.

Years ago, as a commander of soldiers, I carried a quote, taped to the inside of my briefcase.  By Cesare Beccaria:
 every act of authority of one man over another, for which there is not an absolute necessity, is tyrannical.
We, of course, as free people, have a right to resist tyranny, and the Founders believed that.  We'll do as much as we can with the ballot box,  but the unpleasant truth of freedom is that there might come a time when we have to resort to the ammo box.   We have set that option aside for the time being, but that makes it no less an option.

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