Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Screachy and Preachy

I've been watching this whole Liz Warren thing with glee.  It's hilarious.  She wanted to establish her bona-fides with a DNA test and instantly became the butt of right-wing mirth and left-wing disdain all within a 24 hour period.

Kellyanne Conaway summed it up n nicely.
“In a matter of minutes, she managed to alienate Native Americans, whom she claims as her own, and high-ranking Democrats, whom she would need to successfully run for president,” Conway said in an interview Tuesday. “We saw this in 2016, we don’t need another female candidate who has a causal relationship with the truth, can’t get her story straight, blames everybody else and is screechy and preachy to the electorate.”
 I laughed aloud at that paragraph.  So, to sum up.
Hillary is a known felon.
Claire McCaskill is a left-wing progressive mascaraing as a moderate.
Liz Warren just made a mockery our of affirmative action.
Lets not even talk about Rachel Dolezal.  She's as white as Liz Warren.

And, today, no one in the whole US is whiter than Liz Warren.  That's not a bad thing, necessarily, but she's not handling it real well.

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