Sunday, October 21, 2018

Being a Jerk

I've seen quite a bit of this recently.   Not around here, but in the news.  It seems that it is quite fashionable to accost someone in public because you don't like their political activity.  For example, Mitch McConnell was accosted recently in a restaurant. You can read about it here.  It seems to be Republicans who are being hounded, but I understand that even Nancy Pelosi got a taste of it, here.

So, let's just say for the sake of fairness that it is happening across the political spectrum.  Point being, it is a disconcerting trend.  It is not cool to be a jerk, and I don't know why the restaurants put up with it.  It certainly can't be good for business. The last thing any restaurateur wants in the diing room is a ruckus.

In the local latitudes, we arrest people for being jerks.  At some point, running your mouth ceases to be free speech and becomes Disturbing the Peace, or Trespassing.  While you have a right to petition your elected officials to address a grievance, you certainly don't have the right to harangue them in public.  It's rude.  That sort of behavior certainly has no place in polite society.

I feel a backlash coming against rude behavior.  We certainly should not tolerate it.

Thanks, Woodrow.

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