Friday, October 19, 2018

Bulleit Bourbon

Today, running errands, I was a t the grocers and decided to add to my bourbon stash.  Now, we're not going to buy any rare or expensive bourbon at a discount grocery, but I did spy and interesting bottle on the top shelf.  Bulleit Bourbon, which bills itself as a "frontier whiskey:,

I put it in the liquor cabinet in the barn.  It might be an interesting sample to bring out the next time I am looking for something to amuse friends.    I don't buy expensive whiskeys, believing hat keeping my stock under $30.00 per bottle is a useful metric.  As you might see, we did get into the Jim Beam Double Oak last time they were over, and we find that to be an interesting bourbon.


Anonymous said...

Been dabbling in Bourbon myself, I'm generally a beer drinker and if I have whiskey it's either scotch or Irish. Bought a bottle of Jim Beam Black that's really nice (and $25 a bottle even in NJ). I admit that the commercials with Mila Kunis have some effect on me.....

Mark D

Well Seasoned Fool said...

4th generation Old Overholt rye drinker.

Pawpaw said...

Jim Bean Black is a lot better whiskey than many people give it credit for being. It's a nice, middle-of-the-road whiskey that is very consistent and easy on the palate. It has won awards, and is a better whiskey than you'd thing, based on its price point.

I keep a "transmission" of Jim Beam white label in the server. I like the cheaper hooch if I'm mixing it with cola. (A "transmission" is the big bottle with the handle. It looks like a transmission if you turn it on its side.

Pawpaw said...

Well Seasoned.--- Never heard of Old Overholt, but I"ll look around.