Saturday, August 05, 2023


 David Brooks wrote an article in the New York Times trying to explain the continuing popularity of Donald Trump on the political stage. David is an intellectual, and he doesn't get it.

Less than one percent of Americans graduate from élite universities.  Well less than one percent teach at those universities. They are the ivory tower, insulated from the hoi-polloi, looking down on the rest of us, who get up every morning and go to work at some job.

I knew an intellectual once.  This guy had studied at some prestigious universities and had obtained a PhD in English Lit.  He wrote his dissertation on Chaucer, and he was a flaming liberal.  His wife, who had also studied at prestigious universities, also had a PhD and taught at the local high school.  We thought that she was the cat's meow.  Charming, witty, down to earth, she exuded friendliness and hospitality.  Did I mention that she worked at the local high school.

But this guy was an asshole.  He couldn't find work, because he wanted to teach a the university level, and the local university wouldn't hire him.  Probably because he was an elitist asshole.  But, because my wife taught at the same high school, and we ran in the same social circles, we tolerated him because we loved her.

Occasionally, at a back yard dinner party, or a pool-side gathering, eh would make some bizarre proclamation about how things should be, and I'd start asking simple questions about his ideas.  I'd lead him down a blind hole until he could see that he was trapped in a cavern of his own making. He'd generally get pissed off and leave, to the delight and mirth of the assembled audience.

The intellectuals don't understand the common American, who is simply trying to put beans on the table and gas in the car. They also don't understand the odd coincidence of something bad coming out about Biden, and Trump being indicted.  The intellectuals want Trump in jail.  Hell, they would hang him if they could.  Their greatest fear is that Trump will get elected, then start playing a little Get Even.

Trump is not my favorite candidate.  I think he made some mistakes during his first go-around, but he's probably the guy I'll vote for. I'd like to see him appoint staunch patriots to his cabinet and secure the border, fix inflation, reduce gas prices, kill the Green New Deal and put America back to work.  While he's doing that, he could have his Justice Dept. start exercising the RICO statutes against the Bidens and their cronies.

Now, if you will excuse me, I have things to do.


Mark D said...

From the British TV show Blackadder:

Be quiet, sir! Can't you see we're dying!?

Mrs Miggins:
Don't mind my poets, Mr B.; they're not dead, they're just being intellectual.

Mrs Miggins, there is nothing intellectual about wandering round Italy in a big shirt trying to get laid!

Robert said...

"beans on the table and gas in the car" Stealing that phrase, thank you.

IMHO, Trump's an a$$#0le. I'd probably vote for him a third time because I don't want all those other a$$#oles telling me how to live my life.