Sunday, August 13, 2023

Boonie's Garage

Boonie was my first father-in-law. He was always tinkering with something.  An outboard motor, an old truck, one of his boats, it really didn't matter.  He tinkered.  My granddaddy has a shop in his yard, my Dad had a shop, I have a shop, and two of my boys have shops.

My fist father-in-law was a character.  Quick to laugh, quick to start a project (and see it through), and quick to pass along knowledge.  My son's decided to start a YouTube channel and they named it after their grandfather as an homage to him.

They launched it this weekend.  Go over and give them a like and a subscribe.  Thanks in advance.

1 comment:

Bob said...

Paw Paw I have watched and subscribed and enjoyed. Waiting for the next episode. One observation is I had to constantly adjust the audio levels. I suggest in the edit listening more closely to the audio level. Other than that I'm excited this is something I have always done (make something useful from something discarded on a poor-boy budget).