Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Saints Leaving??

I was surfing over at YRHT and came upon this little post. It seems that the Saints owner, Tom Benson (spit, hack) is trying hard to move his team. Well, maybe so.

Jeff Crouere has the skinny over at the Bayou Buzz.

Life Goes Off also has a post.

Give these guys a read. And as far as Benson leaving the state, I wish him all the angst and disaster that his fevered ego can muster. He is a disaster for the Saints and has done nothing but whine and beg since he took the reins. I hope when he gets to San Antonio for good (and that is where he wants to go), he gets a bad case of sand fleas nesting in his skivvies.

I've never been a Saints fan, but New Orleans deserves better.


oyster said...

Amen to that!

A N.O. native is kicking his hometown when it's most down. Disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Benson is just following his god--money. He can make much more money with his team in a larger market in a modern stadium.