However, I do have one question: I notice "Calypso" Louis Farrakhan, and they say that he is leading something called the Nation of Islam. Now, ignorant as I am of some things, I thought that Islam was founded by the pedophile prophet Mohammed, (piss be upon him), and that most of the Middle East was Islamic. Their religious leaders are called Imams, or Ayotollahs, or Sheiks ,or some such arabic sounding name.
Yet, all the banners I see under Farrakhan's name lists him as a Minister, or a Reverend. Shouldn't he be the Ayatollah Farrakhan? Or the Imam Farrakhan? WTF am I missing here? Unless he isn't Islamic at all, then why haven't one of the real Islamic leaders hammered a Fatwah up his wazoo? Seems to me like he is committing a heresy against Islam. That oughta earn him Infidel status. Maybe he is just so laughable that they let it slide.
Then they show this picture:
What is up with that guy in uniform? Is he in the Salvation Army? Or some weird Islamic army? His mustache is just disconcerting. However, the rank insignia he is wearing on his hat and collar would make really magnificent aiming points. We marksmen look for little details like that to settle the sights on. Aim small, miss small. Actually, the best target spot on his jacket would be the third button down.
I'm just saying.
If you will notice, Mr Farrakhan on TV will always be flanked by tough-looking guys who are either coached to look that way or constipated.
Hmm, If the great imperial grand pooh-bah freaky wizard (or whatever) of the Ku Klux Klan invited me downtown to a speech, and even if the speech said all the right things, I still wouldn't go. Why should Mr. Farraakhan be treated any different? He's said a few things in his past that I have not entirely forgiven him for.
My boss went ten years ago, and he said it was inspirational, moving, and energizing speech.
Still, I haven't changed my mind.
I think the guy in the monkey suit is from the all star limmo service.
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