Saturday, August 17, 2024

Weekend Weather

 Hot is the prevailing word.  Very hot.  Triple digit hot.

The weather-weenies tell us that we have a chance for a thunderstorm, but it won't cool us off much.  I started a project this morning, and quit today's work before 9:00.  I'll continue in this vein for the next week, starting early and being inside when the temps get unbearable.  I'm retired and don't need to be n a hur


BobF said...

Had trouble sleeping last night so I put my headlamp on, grabbed the shovel, and attacked the sprinkler valve box. Among other things, I need to put a larger box in and the old one was of course filled with mud, so it was a standing and hands&knees thing. I work in 15 minute spurts because of my legs, so it took until sunrise. Better than out there right now at midday! Too bad a deputy didn't come by as we both could have used a break with conversation. Heh. Never a LEO when you need one. :-)

Old NFO said...

110 up here today... HOT is right!

Anonymous said...

Here in Copper Basin AAlaska today’s high was 75 and expecting 77 tomorrow. Every one in the house are complaining they are sweltering!