Thursday, August 29, 2024


 Earlier this week, I saw video of former president Trump laying a wreath at Arlington to honor those service members killed under Biden's watch.  It seemed to be a respectful and dignified wreath-laying ceremony.  Some are claiming that Trump should not have paid homage to our fallen, and that the ceremony was simply crass politics.


I didn't see Demented Joe or Cacklin' Kamala honoring our fallen.  Nor did I see Command Sergeant Major Master Sergeant Walz laying any wreaths.

One member of the Old Guard defended President Trump.

The veteran, Lucas O’Hara, said on social media that he worked at Arlington for three years during his time in the military, and he lauded Trump's composure at the event. Meanwhile, the Trump campaign is facing criticism following reports that cemetery staff warned them not to take photographs at the Monday event.

"I have witnessed over 75 wreath laying ceremonies performed by politicians and conducted 524 funerals in this cemetery during the time I served in the Presidential Honor Guard for three years. What I got to witness yesterday was the most respectful and solemn ceremony I have seen," O'Hara wrote. 

What the Harris campaign, along with its surrogates and sycophants' are distressed about is that they didn't think to lay a wreath   If the sitting president or vice president does it, it's good television.  If Trump does it, it's pure crass politics.  Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.


BobF said...

Amid all the media brouhaha regarding photographers, scheduling, campaign spot or not, etc., it's good to see that statement. I had not seen it before. Thanks for posting that. Got to admit I'm seeing a more controlled and relatable Trump than in the past.

Anonymous said...

Swear to Gawd our media spends 90% of their time finding faults with Trump rather than praising Harris for her accomplishments. Old habits die hard.

Wilson said...

The communist's claim it was political, said that is sacraligous to film at Arlington. Seems that in mid 2020 , ol pedo joe put out a political ad with him standing at a grave there. I guess it is alright for a communist to do it , not so much for a Patriot.