Thursday, August 15, 2024


 Cowboys like buckles.  The gaudier the better.  This year the club voted to make our Top Gun series to be trophied in buckles. They paid extra in the club fees to make the buckles a reality.

This morning, I went over to Molly's Custom Buckles and designed some buckles for the club. The process was not as daunting as I expected, and Belle likes the design.  I gave them the club credit card information, and in a few days I'll get the artwork back for approval before it goes to the production floor.

I once heard a rodeo producer say, "It's amazing what a cowboy will do for a $4 buckle."  Well, they ain't $4 anymore.


BobF said...

Pictures, please! Heh. I just spent the last 2 hours on the Cowboy Channel. "100 rodeos in 100 days" is the series and they are pushing the daylights out of it!! I won't see nearly that many, but it sure does make for a lot of "when I feel like it and have the time" availability!

Yep, those buckles aren't 4 bucks anymore, and neither is the prize money!

I'm continually impressed by all you do for the shooters. "You're a good man, Charlie Brown."

Old NFO said...

$50 or more, maybe...

Anonymous said...

If you're lucky AND shopping around...
I joked with someone recently that she needed a bigger buckle - she said a bigger one kept her from sitting properly on her horse.