Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Lasers - Aircraft

 Don't point a laser at an airplane.  It's considered in very poor taste.

SHREVEPORT, La. (KPEL News) - A Shreveport woman is in serious trouble after shining laser pointers at two aircraft, which is a major federal crime.

April Nicole Poitras, 45, of Shreveport, entered a guilty plea in federal court to multiple charges and faces up to 5 years in prison and up to a quarter million dollars in fines.

Seriously, just don't do that.  Lasing an eyeball can cause serious long term issues.


juvat said...

And the short term effects on a pilot's eyesight ain't so good either.

Old NFO said...

Blind pilots have a 'problem' landing...

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that what they are calling "laser pointers" here aren't the little cheap things you point at the car.
They are talking MUCH more powerful devices that are federally regulated, the kind that use to be advertised could light a match at short range.

Anonymous said...

Another idiot. OTOH, the plane was a kilometer up in the air, flying along at probably 100mph. The plane has no windows on the underside. She had a hand held laser pointer. Sign this woman up for the olympic rifle team! She has supernatural ability to target and track, offhand, at extraordinary, unbelievable distances.

Yes it’s bad to point lazers at planes. And she’s turbo stupid. But no way on earth she could see the reflected green 1/8” dot from 3/4 mile away. So I say the feds are making an example of the lowest hanging fruit to keep the dimwit masses in line.


glasslass said...

Why, what could possibly be her motivation for doing this? Or is she just full blown stupid to the nth degree?