Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Great Ideas

 A good idea is a good idea, and should be adopted, regardless of which side of the political aisle comes up with it.  Bad ideas, conversely, should be mocked and discarded.

President Trump has a good idea several weeks ago at a function in Nevada. He proposes to make tips to service and hospitality workers exempt from taxation.  He calls it No Tax On Tips. This idea has been enthusiastically applauded, to the point where our sitting Vice President adopted it this weekend at a campaign rally. Kamala Harris should be commended for getting on board with a good idea, even if it were conceived by her opponent.  It's a good idea that the country can get behind.

I'm sure that the idea would take some sort of Congressional approval to be implemented,  Kamala Harris is, constitutionally, the President of the Senate.  She could introduce legislation today to remove the tax on tips.  It's a great idea, why not today?

When Kamala tells us that she will do something as soon as she takes office, we should remind her that she is already in office.  Do it now.


Termite said...

"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."

Whatever said...

It is absolutely not a good idea. It's income. You pay tax on it. Same as everyone else does on their earnings.

Walter Cromer said...

Agreed, this could be used as an end run around income tax for people in the service industry. If I have to pay so should they.

Anonymous said...

But if she does it now, how will she be able to flip-flop if its already in place ? C'mon man ! Biden could do that and achieve at least momentary good grace as well.

Our current POTUS is probably eating all of the pudding and ice cones he can eat right now. What has that rascal been up to ? Probably selling pardons to the highest bidder, but I'm just guessing ....

Anonymous said...

Tips in most places are less than you might think. My wife and son work in a sportspark concession stand where the tips are all gathered then distributed amongst all the employees. Half a day (6 hours) often nets less than $10 a night. May as well retire and live off the interest of those $10.

Tips like these help those living on minimum wage jobs. If you want to help the U.S. gain money - Stop giving $$$ to foreign countries - period !! Let them hate us for free.

glasslass said...

She hasn't thought that far. Fatal flaw of hers.

Anonymous said...

Tips really vary. I've known workers at low end places and very high end ones - there is a big difference, and some states have much higher tipped minimum wages than others.
I think the better idea is to set a way to handle it - I've heard stories of restaurants who find ways to claim tips, or report (and withhold from) higher numbers than actual as retaliation or cost shifting. That should be wrong.

Anonymous said...

Better then that, no tax or a least a 90% decrease in taxing the active and retirement military. Or, even just do a flat tax of 10% on everyone. And get rid of 90% of the taxes, fees, overcharges, and anything else that STEALS money from an American by the gubbermint. And on top of that, at no time will it be increased unless a meteor comes down and gets rid of 90% of life on earth. That would be the best tax elimination and reduction program that any gubbermint has ever come up with.