Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Monday Tidbits

 Have y'all heard about those two astronauts stranded on the space station?  They were supposed to be up there for a week, but some sort of problem reared its head and they are stuck up there.

Two NASA astronauts have been stranded on the International Space Station for 56 days12345. They were originally supposed to return after a week, but their return has been delayed due to equipment problems with the Boeing spacecraft they rode to orbit.

If it was me up there, I'd be well and truly pissed.  I heard someone say today that they might not get them home until February.



Don McCollor said...

I'd be ecstatic to be onboard the ISS rather to trying to ride that Boeing deathtrap down (remember the old 1969 movie "Marooned"?

Anonymous said...

I read that Februaary was a possibility. Not only is their Boeing spacecraft a problem, apparently their Boeing space suits are not compatible with Musk's Dragon X ship. Why would Boeing design a proprietary suit that is useless in case of emergency?

Anonymous said...

I wonder what they do for food and water?

mostly cajun said...

Think of all the overtime!

Anonymous said...

Musk can get their measurements and send them up with his rescue flight.or gin up an adapter for the umbilical.

Otherwise they will eft up there until they die. If you have any boeing stock sell it.


Judy said...

I understand the Russians are bringing up extra groceries. Plus, this isn't the first time; if my memory serves me right, this has happened.