Saturday, August 10, 2024

Quiet Skies

 Evidently, the TSA has a watch list that is called Quirt Skies. Until this week, I hadn't heard of it, but it became news.  According to a Google search, Quiet Skies is:

The TSA's "Quiet Skies" initiative started in 2010 and was expanded just last March. The program, as first reported by the Boston Globe, identifies travelers, including American citizens, who could pose a threat, but may not have been accused of a crime and are not on the no-fly list.

So, some bureaucrat at TSA decides that you might be a problem and puts you on the list.  How very Stassi-like.  As it turns out, they put Tulsi Gabbard on the damned list.  For no apparent reason. 

Every time I get around TSA critters, I get a case of the screaming red-ass.  I do not understand why the large aviation carriers continue to allow those people to harass their customers.  TSA screening in airports is probably the worst decision of the 21st century.


T said...

She probably made the list because of pics like these:

What kind of a Lt Col poses with a weapon??? Oh the horror of it...

Angus McThag said...

If it actually did something to make us safer, it'd be one thing...

But it's just for appearances.

Angus McThag said...

If it actually did something to make us safer, it'd be one thing...

But it's just for appearances.

Angus McThag said...

If it actually did something to make us safer, it'd be one thing...

But it's just for appearances.

Justin_O_Guy said...

I suspect that if the TSA got invited to take a hike in a coupla weeks we would get a Demonstration showing us Why they are so needed. IYKWIM..

Justin_O_Guy said...

It's certainly just theater. And it's an insidious, psychological attack on every decent person forced to accept being treated like a convicted felon,untrustworthy, and likely a terrorist at heart. Every now and then I run across a report showing things they didn't catch. Which were also not Used to cause problems. Ohh,you aren't going Anywhere with that pocket knife you could shove up your nose..Hell No! I simply gave up the idea of flying as soon as TSA was put in the airports. I Know me. And some punk crushing my junk ,Tellin me it's just policy and necessary to keep Everyone Safe is probably going to end up with at least someone wearing a black eye and me in cuffs. I'm not participating.