Thursday, August 29, 2024


 Went to my primary care doc this morning and gave labs, then came back this afternoon for a checkup.

My doc likes bourbon, is a member of bourbon club, and we've talked about whiskey.  I think that life is too short to drink bad whiskey, and I'm trying to expand his horizons just a bit.  So, this afternoon, I took a bottle of Redbreast 12 Irish whiskey.  As we were wrapping up the medical portion of the interview, I asked I were the last patient of the day.

"No," he replied, "I have one more to see before the day is over.

"That's too bad," says I.  I took out the whiskey bottle and put it on the table. "But, if you go get a specimen cup, I'll pour you a dram to sample later."

He left to get a specimen cup, returning promptly.  "What is that?"

"Redbreast 12" I uncorked the bottle and handed it to him.  "This is what Jameson aspires to be."

He took the bottle and poured a generous dram into the specimen cup, then nosed it. "Oooh, that's nice."

Doc and I walked out of the exam room to the counter where his staff works, and he put the specimen bottle on the counter beside his laptop. One of his staff was charting on the other side of the counter.  She looked up, saw the specimen cup and exclaimed, "He's dehydrated."

The doc and I laughed.  We told the assembled staff that it was 12-year-old Irish urine and was not to be sent to the lab.  Doc would be taking it home later for special analysis.


Old NFO said...

LOL... Great way to handle it.

BobF said...

I really like your doc.