Monday, August 19, 2024

Monday Tidbits

 We got a little rain today, on and off.  Our last rainfall was July 26th, so we appreciate it.  Cooler temps, and moisture on the ground.  It's a good thing.

I'm disassembling a deck I built 20 years ago to complement the pool.  It's become an eyesore and Belle ha been not-so-gently hinting that it needs to go away.  The problem is that I can't get any equipment into my back yard, so any demolition has to be accomplished one board at a time.  It's going out the same way it came in. One board at a time. This morning I made good progress.

It's like the old question: How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time.  That deck is kind of like that elephant. One bite at a time.

Today is Orville Wright's birthday.


Old NFO said...

Yay for getting some rain! We had 111 degrees here... sigh

Sailorcurt said...

1. Give me your address and I'll ship some of our daily afternoon/evening thunderstorms to you. We've had plenty this year, happy to share them with you.

2. I just ripped out a deck I built over 20 years ago and was falling apart. The deck boards themselves were shot and so they all went away, but many of the beams and joists were still useable so I'm in the process of repurposing that wood to make things on our land in the mountains. So far I've built a 6 foot picnic table and some target stands but I plan to build a shooting bench, maybe a table, and I'm thinking a double wide Adirondack style bench to put down on the trail next to the spring. I like sitting down there listening to the water trickle. Don't let good wood go to waste.

Sailorcurt said...

Oh..."Today is Orville Wright's birthday."

I didn't know I share a birthday with Orville. I turn 60 today.

Sounds weird to even say that. Seems like a couple of years ago I was a teenager raising hell on the back roads in my Dodge Charger SE

Anonymous said...

Rain around here is sorely lacking. Home demolition projects always take longer than construction, which is funny strange, not ha-ha funny. I hope the lumber can be repurposed for other use - deer season will be here sooner than we think. Blind repair or construction might be considered.

Old NFO - 111 - yikes. We get than in felt temperature but actual temperature is very rare indeed. Good time to stay inside and hydrate.