Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Mommas and Daddys

Grandson Lucas wants a dirt bike.  His mother gave grudging permission, with conditions.  First, he has to earn it.  Second, there will be safety gear involved.  Helmets, chest protectors, etc.

Lucas and his dad came up with a scheme to rebuild a derelict lawn mower so that Luke could learn basic wrenching and earn the money to buy a dirt bike.  It's a Skag frame with a rebuilt 25 horse Kohler engine.  It should be a capable machine when finished.

Belle and I were talking about the difference between Mommas and Daddys.  We agree that no Momma ever told her adolescent son, "Boy, what you need is a dirt bike."  No momma ever said those words.

Ya gotta let them grow and make mistakes.  Will Lucas come into my shop one day, limping, maybe wearing a cast?  It's a possibility.  I hope he doesn't hurt himself, but sometimes you just have to gas on it.


Eaton Rapids Joe said...

Wiser words have never been spoken.

Mamas and papas are very different. We contribute different things to the making of Men and Women. It takes both of us.

Anonymous said...

Good points made on your Grandson having to earn the right to ride. Safety is a major consideration when riding in groups. boys will be boys.

Termite said...

I've rode horses, mules, dirt bikes, street bikes, flown helicopters, gyroplanes, and airplanes. A good dirt bike is an excellent training device.