Thursday, August 22, 2024

Pry Bar

I got out the pry bar earlier this week to help demolish a deck.  Later on, during a break, I pondered how long I had owned that pry bar.

It was the spring of 1974  my (now departed) wife and I were in an apartment in the college ghetto in Natchitoches and she wanted some renovation.  I went to DeBlieux' Hardware on Front Street and bought a small pry bar.

Fifty years later, that pry bar is still serving me well.  Oh, and about that first wife.  She didn't die.  She just departed.  Last I heard, se was doing well, living in northern Arkansas


BobF said...

I still use several tools I inherited when Dad died in January of 1963. Funny how the Craftsman name actually meant something back then. He told me to buy rather than rent and to never buy a cheap tool. You've made me look at some old ones and remember projects of my teen years. And wife -- well still together since 09/68, a year after I came back from SEA.

Old NFO said...

Oh yeah, those pry bars will last forever!

Anonymous said...

Last week I came across a wrench with my name engraved on it. It is part of a set my uncle gave me that were my first real tools at 8. I know I still have the hammer; I think I still have the pliers also.