Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Culpable, Accountable

It seems that the Obama team may finally be coming to that time where their culpability will finally be exposed for all to see, and be forced to account for their malfeasance.  The idea that Obama had a scandal-free administration is both laughable and myopic.  Those of us who railed against government excess can remember the way that Obama and his minions played fast-and-loose with both the law, and the ethics of governing.

The complicit media was no help.  By fawning over the first black president and failing to hold him accountable, they did themselves no favors.  The lack of scrutiny and journalistic curiosity about anything that the administration didn't want covered  is a huge stain on the journalist class. 

Victor Davis Hanson writes about all this in the National Review.
The remains of the Obama team (Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, James Comey, Samantha Power) are not offering much of a defense for the Obama years — they are now too busy scrambling to hide their own legal culpability and exposure. The bending arc of the 2009 dream team finally ends in the platitudes of “I can’t remember” and “Not to my knowledge” that will eventually find their way from CNN and MSNBC into the court room.
I remember the Obama administration to be one big rolling scandal.  From the very start, terms like Fast and Furious, Lois Lerner,  and Obamacare entered into the national consciousness.  Now, it seems that the last scandal, Russia, Russia, may finally bring some accounting.  Perhaps if the media had been more curious about the earlier scandals, and less complicit in the cover up, the Obama team might have been less bold in trying to undo a national election. 

I have no expectation that Obama himself will ever face the docket, but his minions, Clapper, Comey, Rice, et al, feel the sting of handcuffs and are forced to account for their indiscretions, then perhaps America will know that the law applies to everyone.

1 comment:

juvat said...

One can only hope/pray!