Thursday, January 09, 2020

Thursday Morning News

We awaken Thursday to a mixed bag of news.

First, the weather.  It looks like east Texas, central Louisiana, and parts of Arkansas are in for another round of hateful weather over Friday and the weekend. Oh, joy.

In national political news, it seems that the Democrats are disappointed in Trump's reaction to the Iranian temper-tantrum.  It seems that they actually wanted him to bomb Tehran, which seems odd.  Certainly, they didn't want a new war simply for crass political concerns did they?  It seems that SanFran Nan was all set to vote on a war-powers resolution.  But now, there is not going to be another war and she is deflated.  I swear, Pelosi and Schumer are so far behind the power-curve, they will never catch up.

In another heart-warming item, it seems that the youngest son of the presumptive Den candidate has been named the father of a child born to an ex-stripper.  Of course, stepping-up, taking responsibility and doing the right thing is not a trait that Democrats normally exhibit, so the young lovely had to take him to court.  DNA is a thing, and the courts have decided that Hunter Biden is the biological and legal father of the child in question. The infant will get a new birth certificate, and baby-momma will get child support.  As is right an proper. The young lady should have learned a life-lesson.  Never mate with Democrats.

All that aside, PawPaw has a busy day today.  Lots of stuff happening on several fronts and I'd best finish my coffee and get busy.  Y'all have a great Thursday.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Sorry you're going to get slammed by the weather. Apparently Biden jr doesn't want to PAY for his playing... Typical