Friday, January 17, 2020

Liberal Hacks

I saw this exchange yesterday and found it unremarkable, but lots of folks are remarking on it, so what the hell.  This reporter tries to ambush Senator McSally in the halls of the Capitol, and she shuts him down.

The reporter in question is known for doing hit pieces to make conservatives look bad, while ignoring the antics of of Democrats.  But, the larger question is if McSally insulted him?  Probably not.  He knows he's a liberal hack and revels in it.  Where is the insult?

I tend to agree with Instapundit.
Personally, I think it’s okay to talk to reporters any way you want. I’d call them whores, but that’s an insult to the professionalism of prostitutes.
CNN is fake news, and this guy is the worst of the lot  He asks stupid questions, trying hard to break a non-story.  There was a time, thirty years ago, when I trusted CNN.  It was playing in the common area of the Provost Marshall's station the entire time I was assigned at Fort Polk.  I haven't trusted CNN since the beginning of George W Bush's term.  They really turned the corner during the Obama era, carrying his water at every opportunity.  They're hacks.  The whole bunch of them.

1 comment:

pigpen51 said...

That was the greatest comment I have ever heard from a politician. In fact, I am watching Fox News, the Five, about the only news show I can sit and watch. They just went to commercial, but ran a blurb that they are coming back with this story. Must be important, or McSally is considering a run for president in 2024. She has my vote.