Sunday, August 25, 2019

Liberal Wet Dream

From PJMedia.
"Mandatory gun buybacks" is an imported idea that Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke supported after the mass shooting in El Paso. The idea comes from Australia where the government instituted a mandatory buyback program following a mass shooting in 1996.
 Liberals swoon at the results: suicides and homicides plummeted. But in addition to the mandatory buyback program, there was radical gun control legislation, making it much more difficult to own any kind of firearm.
Nevertheless, gun confiscation is no longer a scare tactic used by Republicans to get elected. It's here. And it's real.
They're playing with civil war.  They sow the wind, they're liable to reap the hurricane.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

And they sure as hell don't have enough money for 'that' cluster...