Sunday, April 28, 2019

Sunday Campaigning

We're making hamburgers for lunch.  It's been a while since I fired up the grill, and grandson Lucas asked for burgers today.  Easy, peasy.

This afternoon, Belle and I are going to an event, a gathering of a local dance club.  It will be a good time to relax, meet some nice folks, and do a little retail campaigning.

I think I've broken the code on Facebook ads.  It seems like a very frugal way of putting my message out before people who may never of herd about my campaign.  I took delivery of my yard signs on Friday, and I will be getting those our this week.

Years ago I was talking with a very successful,, very rural Sheriff in north Louisiana.  He disdained yard signs, saying "Signs don't vote." I suppose he was right, he served four terms as Sheriff.  Signs are a cost that may or may not reach the intended audience.  But, it's customary to buy signs and hand them out.

We will see how the Facebook ads do, and what traffic they bring.  Like, I suspect, many other folks, I don't watch much traditional television.  These days, during my down-time, I'm apt to be surfing YouTube.  I see a lot of ads on YouTube, and I might consider trying to break that code as well.

There are now six of us in the Sheriff's race.  It's early yet, the election is not till October.  If someone gets a simple majority, it's over.  If not, the two front-runners meet in a run-off election the following month.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Here's hoping YOU come out on top!