Monday, July 15, 2024


 We now know that President Trump has picked Senator J.D. Vance as his running mate.  

We still don't know what rifle the shooter used against Trump and the crowd on Saturday.  We're told that it is an AR style rifle, purchased legally by the shooter's father.  We're told it was chambered in 5.56.  We don't know who manufactured it, nor whether he used an optic. I have heard that it only had iron sights on a rail, but I have no confirmation of that, one way or the other.

We still don't know why May-jerk-us still has a job.  He's hiding behind the tired old canard of "active investigation" to avoid answering questions.  He's worthless, and has been since he hired on.  The man has no honor at all, but Biden doesn't fire anyone.

If anyone has any info on how the rifle was kitted out, let me know.  The rarest AR in the world is the one that is bone-stock.  Curious minds, etc.


John Galt said...

Even bone stock should have hit at that range. ( Glad it didnt, just should have.) Ya dont get through Basic training if you cant hit from 200 Meters with iron sights. How did the shooter Ninja to the roof ( without being seen by the security team) yet not hit the target?

In the I have no experience department how did Trumps security pick up on a semi-hidden sniper and kill same so quickly? Good training? I would think during the daytime ( no flash to speak of) it would be hard to pick up on the target so quickly.

Something seems a bit off.

BobF said...

On a related but different note, the movement of the personal protection detail was hardly what I would call "rushing" Trump off the stage. It seemed a bit stumblebum and not the least bit hurried. Covered him, yes, but moved him out of danger, most definitely no. The move left him exposed to a second shooter had there been one. B-Team performance at best. What the hell was that? And a female agent can't find her holster to re-holster her weapon? Where, when, and how many times does she practice?

Old NFO said...

still looking for the info too... no luck so far.

Anonymous said...

A litte off? Shirley you jest.
A photo on another site shows a 20 ft extension ladder against the building in a narrow spot between wings of the building.
Not only carrying the ladder, but a go-bag and a rifle.
That building was the closest high spot to the stage.
The sniper "team" wasn't one. These were two men on rifles on overwatch. They had no spotters. Other sites report that they had orders not to fire unless an assassin fired at Trump.
To me, that says that they were to be cleanup after Trump was killed, and that all of this was planned. Maybe not, but ...
John in Indy

Drew458 said...

Fox News say law enforcement says rifle is a DPMS AR-15 in 5.56, purchased by Cooks’ father over a decade ago. No other info. I have not seen a photo of it being removed from the scene, which seems improbable when so many people were there.

Anonymous said...

I saw a picture this morning of Crooks on the roof aiming his rifle. People knew. Enough knew that they took pictures. And they told authorities. Ladder cop should have gone up ready to shoot. Heck, if the crowd could see the guy, and take side view pictures from close range, somebody could have shot him from the same spot. This whole thing was FUBAR beyond belief
