Sunday, July 21, 2024

Biden Dumps

 It's Sunday afternoon, and I'm just learning that Joe Biden just took a dump on the Democrats.  He's out, done, fini.  Kamala is the heir apparent. He'll serve out his tern, because someone has to pardon Hunter, but he ain't running for a second term.

The Democrats are in complete disarray and the coming days may well tell the tale.  It will be interesting to see what they do at their convention.

What will the Democrat ticket look like?  Only time will tell.


Old NFO said...

It's getting interesting now!

BobF said...

The game they will play to transfer Biden campaign money to Harris is going to be interesting to watch.

Anonymous said...

I’m so happy they are “saving our democracy” by ignoring the 15 million people who voted for jojo in the primaries, and will have the hidden elites choose who their new candidate is at their convention. Then they’ll ignore the election laws of all the states to put the anointed one on the ballots, even though the deadline is long past. FJB isn’t physically dead, he just “decided” to quit the race. I don’t know if any state allows a new candidate to run when that happens… don’t think it’s ever happened before, not this late in the game.


Anonymous said...

The Clintons endorse Harris, while Obama has not - strange that. I agree about pardons being used for contribution click bait. Dangerous time, Biden still has all powers of POTUs and there isn't any mechanism to demand accountability. I know Executive Orders can be rescinded with no congressional votes, but can pardons ?