Saturday, March 30, 2024

Selling Bibles

 We learned yesterday that Donald Trump has partnered with Lee Greenwood and he's selling bibles.  Reportedly, these bibles have, in addition to the scripture, the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.

The left is, predictably, melting down.  Fox New covers some of it here. Claims of hypocrisy, mocking the scripture, it's all on plain display.

Let me tell you something about evangelical Christians.  Come closer.  We are all sinners.  Each and every one of us.  We are all sinners.  We fall short of the glory of God., We're okay with that, in ourselves and in each other.  We're not perfect and we don't pretend to be. We simply try to do better every day, and the guidebook, the road map for that journey is God's word.

Will I buy a Trump bible?  No, I have my bibles.  I consult them regularly.  And, during this HOly Weekend, I am grateful that He lived, and died, and rose again.

The left's meltdown is both predictable and somewhat sad.  The Lord works in mysterious ways and if someone buys a Trump bible out of sheer curiosity, or simply as a political collectors item, I pray that they read it and take solace from it.


Anonymous said...

There are lots of specialty Bibles out there, some of which already have the Constitution in them.
As you say, the important thing is that the reader learn from God's Word and meet Him.

Old NFO said...


Anonymous said...

My quibble is the price. It's a bit high.

Anonymous said...

I'm confused. Is MSM upset that Donald Trump is making $$$ by spreading the Good Word ? Or are they upset that more Bibles are being released to the public ? Over the seven yearsof Trump coverage, ANY action committed by Trump appears to set them off. MSM reactionsare less and less relevant to me.