Friday, December 29, 2023

I Don't Understand

 Honestly, I don't understand why the immigration crisis is such a crisis. Some of my forebears immigrated to the United States during the late 1800s.  Other of my forebears emigrated to Louisiana during the expulsion around 1760. I believe they all got here before Ellis Island opened. The Cajuns, certainly.  The Germans and Scots-Irish, probably.

They didn't get any social services or bus rides. They washed ashore and had to worry about what was for supper.  From all accounts, they were tough stock and managed not to starve to death, as evidenced by the fact that I'm sitting here talking about it.

Since the Biden administration threw open the gates, we're dealing with yet another "huddled mass yearning to breathe free".  Suddenly we owe them something?  Why?  Why is any tax money at all being expended on their individual behalf? I don't get it, and I certainly don't think that they deserve a bus ride and a hotel room.

I know immigrants, recent immigrants.  They did it the right way, and they are supporting themselves. They did it right, and while we all agree that it should have been easier or more straightforward, they are pissed that Biden is letting in all the illegals.  They don't understand why the wetbacks are getting freebies.


juvat said...

The only price for admission is to vote D on the provided ballot in the next election.
Easy Peasy

Anonymous said...

Well it's exactly like you said - previous (waves of) immigrants came for a brighter future, and were willing to WORK for it.
The current influx of foreigners are mostly indigent, criminal, and not at all interested in working, nor assimilating into America and it's culture.
The "problems" are the costs of paying for the free loaders, and/or what happens if they don't get free food/housing? Think the crime is bad now?

Ryan said...

At least up in the small town PNW Hispanic immigrants are busting their butts. They don’t want handouts they want to work. Working hard physical jobs and often starting small businesses.

It is the lazy fat white trash who are mooching on benefits.

BobF said...

Oh, but PawPaw, don't you know we are now an enlightened society? We have now seen the light that the suckers should get robbed to pay for the lazy slobs sitting on the couch watching TV, mommas breeding for money (again OUR tax $$), anyone just rolling into the country and demanding we transport to their favorite places, feed, clothe, house, and medically support them. Oh yeah, we're enlightened. /sarc

MattB said...

WETBACKS!! Got that right!

Anonymous said...

Even the ones who work can be a problem when they're only here to send money home and don't have any attachment to the United States or American cultural heritage.
