Thursday, March 22, 2018

Random Thoughts

Mueller was appointed My 17, 2017.  How long is this circus going to go on?  If, in a year, he can't find evidence of collusion, maybe he's looking in the wrong places.  Or it isn't there at all.  Either way, he should be competent enough to know when to call in the dogs and go to the house.

Why do people think that a random cop, standing on a street corner, knows the address, location, and phone number of every business within a 20 mile radius?

I hear that YouTube is blocking/taking down pro-gun channels.  Maybe it's time to regulate Google, Facebook, and YouTube as common carriers. 

It's Thursday, so salad for lunch.  There's this church down the road, where the ladies make great salads and deliver them. 

The Sacremento PD shot Clark 20 times.  Standing in his grandmother's backyard, holding a cell phone.  What an horrific tragedy.  I never liked foot chases trough residential neighborhoods.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Mueller HAS to find something... sigh...