Thursday, March 08, 2018

Blue Wave??

I keep seeing nonsense about a blue wave in Texas, like suddenly blood-red Texas is going to turn blue in the next election cycle.  These people are still in denial over the recent presidential upset.

I'm no political pundit, and frankly, when I awoke following the last presidential election, I was surprised that Trump had won. 

But, now I'm seeing these same political pundits telling me that Texas is going to be a demovratic stronghold.  Yeah, right.

The only way that Ted Cruz is going to lose the upcoming election is if they catch him in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy.


Anonymous said...

Yup, the media say some dumb stuff sometimes. Down here in south Texas, one of the headlines was Democratic voters was greater than Republicans. Well, in regions where 80% of voter is Democrat, I can see that happening. Here (Hidalgo county), Democrats could run a dead goat and it would be elected if a (D) was in front of it. Thank God other voters in Texas have more sense.

Old NFO said...

Snerk... Yeah, right! They are 'boasting' about the highest Dem turnout ever, but Cruz got more votes that the TOTAL of all the democrat candidates...

Javahead said...

It's relative numbers. If the population is growing you could have more members of both parties.

As I like to point out, the state with the 2nd largest number of votes for Trump was California. We were outnumbered by the LA County and SF vote for Shrillary, but we were here. It looks like Texas, at least so far, is doing that in reverse.