Monday, October 12, 2020

Biden Loses His Mind

 The doddering old fool is spouting nonsense, but what else is new?  Now he is claiming that a sitting president should not appoint a Supreme Court Justice while he is in office.  And, he's claiming that President Trump's appointment of Judge Barrett is unconstitutional.

“The only court-packing is going on right now. It’s going on with the Republicans,” Biden told reporters Saturday in Delaware. “It’s not constitutional what they’re doing. We should be focused on what’s happening right now.”

You would think that after six terms as a sitting US Senator and two terns as Vice President, Mr. Biden would have a good working knowledge of the US Constitution.  You'd be wrong. 

And, the Senate has options.  They can choose to confirm Judge Barrett or they can choose to delay confirmation.  That is solely withing the constitutional powers of the Senate.  As it turns out, they intend to begin the confirmation process later today. 

Joe Biden is absolutely wrong on this issue.  President Trump can continue to exercise the powers of the presidency until at least Jan 20, 2021 at noon.  If the court-packing Democrats don't manage to setal the election, he will continue to exercise those powers for an additional four years.

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