Tuesday, August 25, 2020

watching Laura

 Tropical Storm Marcos, thankfully, fizzled yesterday.  It got caught in some wind shear and fell apart.  It's dumping rain on Mississippi and the Florida panhandle, but its threat as a storm is pretty much over.

Not so with Hurricane Laura.  Everyone remembers the 2005 hurricane season with the twin disasters of Katrina and Rita.  Everyone focuses on Katrina because of the damage it did in New Orleans, but in terms of intensity, Rita was the bigger storm.  She came ashore along the Louisiana/Texas border and wreaked devastation in her path.

Laura is following that same path. Below is the National Hurricane Center's 5-day map of wind speed probabilities.

This map will change over the next several days, but it looks like this storm, if she intensifies, will cut pretty much the same path that Rita cut back in 2005.  We;ll have to keep a weather eye on her for the next several days.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our prayers to you and your family for a safe ride through this. You take care of what is most important.