Wednesday, August 19, 2020


 Over the past several days, Belle and I noticed that a varmint was paying us a night-time visit.  Things would be re-arranged on the patio, and we were going through a lot of cat food.  A lot more cat food than our single feline could use.  So, I set a trap.

Lookee what I found on the patio this morning.

This one is mightily upset.  His dignity has been heartily offended.   But, how many raccoons can say that they've taken a ride in a pickup truck?  This morning after coffee, I drove him to an undisclosed location and offered him a second chance.  When I opened the gate, he didn't hang around long enough to bid me farewell.

This is the second raccoon that Belle and I have had to deal with.  The first one was so big that the cage was filled completely with 'coon.  This one weighed about five pounds. I suspect that he is a yearling.


plblark said...

After several catch and release sessions with Squirrels in the cities, My Father In Law took some good advice and painted a stripe on the back ...I'll be darned if it wasn't mostly the same squirrel coming back over and over again. Guess 2 miles to the local park / lake wasn't far enough. I suspect the poor thing got swimming lessons after that but my FIL is vague on the ultimate outcome ;-)

Anonymous said...

I was going to suggest swimming lessons also, but was beat to it.
My father had a chipmunk problem in his 1/2 cellar. He was taking trapped ones 4-5 miles away to a forest, but swore some were coming back -- so he spray painted one orange.
Sure enough, a week later, he caught the orange one again. After that, anything caught got a swimming lesson while still in the trap.
The "population" started to diminish.