Tuesday, September 24, 2024


 We're watching a weird election, this train wreck of Kamala v Trump.

I was watching this clip, a segment from Gutfeld! where Tryrus makes a good point.  Skip forward to about the 5:30 mark.  "If Oprah can't save you, nobody can save you." Tryrus has also said that this election isn't going to be close.  Trump is going to take it in a stampede, and I hope Tyrus is right.

I don't know if anyone has been watching Joe, but he is slipping badly.  He forgot the name of the Indian Prime Minister, and he let Jill run a cabinet meeting. Joe's gone, and we all know it.  So, let's explore a plausible scenario.

We awaken the morning after the election and learn that Trump has been declared the winner.  Kamala's hopes for a presidency have almost been dashed, but she has one card left to play.  She calls an immediate cabinet meeting, invokes the 25th Amendment, and has Joe escorted from the building.  A Supreme Court justice shows up, administers the oath, and Kamala is the president, at least for a couple of months.  The first female president. Game, set, and match.

I pray that Tyrus is right. And, I think my scenario is plausible.


Anonymous said...

I would be surprised if we know the winner that soon.
Look how House races took so long to settle in CA in 2022 - they were desperate to find more Dem votes for a Dem House.
I'm sure they will be at least as desperate to control the White House this year (and probably the House also - I think the Senate will be more clear cut).

Andrew said...

if she becomes president for even a month, she will let the EO's fly