Friday, September 13, 2024

Friday 13th

It's Friday 13th and there isn't much going on around here.  An old fried dropped by and we palavered for an hour. He's gone now, and I'm baking potatoes for our lunch.  Belle is at a beauty shop appointment, and when she gets back, I'm going to cook a couple of little ribeye steaks for our lunch.  

It's hard to complain when you have to make do with ribeye steak and potatoes.

I'm just about done watching the political process.  I am not undecided, and the basic insanity of this election cycle seems to be increasing toward crescendos.

Tomorrow, we pack for a trip up north, to Missouri to visit with family for a few days.  It will be a nice break.  This is small-town Missouri.  There is a little restaurant that will get a 2nd visit, and there is a cheese shop that we'll patronize.   How a gourmet cheese shop landed in Sweet Springs, MO is one of life's little mysteries.  Small town stuff.  



juvat said...

Safe Travels!

Anonymous said...

2nded - Have a great visit. A lot of small towns have surprises if you know where to look.
