Tuesday, September 03, 2024

War Crimes

 During weekend frivolity, I missed it, but was reading the news this morning that Hamas has taken the art of war crime to a new level. Kill the hostages.

This is despicable. By extension, those mindless idiots marching around Georgetown University waving the Hamas flag are also despicable.  They have a perfect right to protest, and wave their hate-filled banners, but that makes them no less despicable.

Taking hostages is cowardly and atrocious.  Killing then when they no longer have value is evil beyond words, and anyone who supports that conduct is also evil.


Dragonmouse said...

I follow your blog, as your cooking is interesting, having said that. Your statement that Hamas killed those hostages is without merit. You were not there, you do not know that the Idf didn't kill them attempting their genocide on anything not bowing to the jews. You have no evidence except what Israel tells you. I am not a democrat,liberal, or any other thing that makes you angry. What I am is thorough in my research and believe innocent until proven guilty. Video evidence is there for the IDF shooting their own people trying to take out Hamas. If they did it then are they doing it all the time? When I come to occupy your land, throw you off of it and rape and kill your family in the process, you would eliminate me as a threat, yet you don't give those living that way since the end of ww2 the same courtesy. That speaks volumes about your discernment. My suggestion, go read your Bible, not just the parts that agree with you but the parts that truly explain the travesty going on in that state currently called (falsely I might add)Israel.

BobF said...

Interesting how some folks take a verbose approach to insulting others with a sugar coated verbiage.

Dragonmouse said...

No insult, just observation, and calling out those who listen to and produce propaganda that favors one side or the other. Please read your history.
The forefathers warned that foreign entanglements were/would be the death of this nation. There is NO legitimate reason to be involved in the middle east, not money, blood, nor resources, and even if you can make the moral case (another discussion for another day) we as a nation sure as hell should never put this nation in debt for other lands.
The Bible is clear, your own house must be in order first,
before charity to others. What do you expect however when fully 80+% of the current administration has duel citizenship. The Bible is also clear on that. Loose translation is You cannot serve two masters.
I called out apparent ignorance of these facts. If that is insulting the answer is knowledge, not an attack on who enlightened you that you might be missing available information not based in hate against anyone. Again simply observation.