Sunday, September 29, 2024

Dindu Strikes Again

 Termite points me to a story that happened in my hometown on Friday night.  It seems that a bunch of "Dindu Nuffin: types decided to have a hoot-out near a local restaurant.

According to APD, the incident occurred around 7 p.m. and is believed to have been a confrontation between rival groups.

Rival groups?  You mean local street gangs, don't you?  That's what everyone else thinks you man.

 APD stressed that the shooting was not a random act of violence and that patrons or employees at or around Texas Roadhouse were not in harm’s way.

It wasn't a random act of violence?  What was it?  Planned, Coordinated?  C'mon.

This saddens me. I grew up in Alexandria, but now live in the suburbs across the river.  Rival street gangs have made Alexandria almost unlivable.  I personally do not go into Alexandria unless I am forced to, and I don't go into Alexandria after dark.  Whatever I need will wait until tomorrow.

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