Thursday, September 26, 2024

Thursday Thoughts

 It's a beautiful autumn day here in central Louisiana, but all eyes are on the storm heading to Florida.  Our best wishes and prayers go out to those who will be impacted by this storm.  It's a monster.

We have a bit of an issue here in Pineville, LA.  It seems our mayor, who is a first-termer, and won his office by a very narrow margin, has ben caught in a sex scandal and decided to resign.  It seems he was banging a gal who had some social media in the local area, and Oh, the angst and outrage are quite palpable.  Many of us are chuckling, and it is up to the city council to appoint an interim mayor to see the city through the rest of the term.

I don't live in the incorporated boundary, so I really don't have a dog in this hunt, but still, I enjoy a good comeuppance.  Would that it would happen to more sleaze-bags.

I think I'll make a pot of chili for lunch.  These cool temps require it.  Now, if you'll excuse me.

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