Tuesday, September 03, 2024


 It seems I'm not the only one who has noticed that the Atlantic basin has been quiet this year

The Atlantic has had no named storm formations since #Ernesto on August 12. The last time that the Atlantic had no named storm formations between August 13 - September 3 was in 1968. The remarkably quiet period for Atlantic #hurricane activity continues.

That's true.  The last named storm was Ernesto and that was several weeks ago.   

I remember the 2005 season plainly.  Katrina came ashore on August 29th, and Rita followed her on September 24th.  They are alphabetical you know, and there are a bunch of letters between K and R. That was a busy year.

A wise man once said that climate is what you expect, but weather is what you get.


kamas716 said...

NEVER say the Q word out loud.

But yeah, I see the climate alarmists are wrong again this year. Surprise, surprise, surprise.

BobF said...

Well, I check daily and there are three "disturbances" out there right now. I'm happy for limited development and that nothing has come our way, but the NHC map has been worth watching with few "clear" days in the last few weeks. I think come this Thanksgiving we may have Wx first on the list!

Sailorcurt said...

It's almost funny. Every year the weather guessers hysterically cry that the sky is falling...er...it's going to be a busy year for hurricanes.

I suppose if you make the same predictions year after year, eventually you're bound to be right once. Then they'll say "SEE, SEE, We told you so!!!1!!" as if they were prescient and we should take everything they say as gospel.

Angus McThag said...

They'll adjust the prediction soon and act as if they said the smaller number five months ago.