Monday, September 09, 2024

TS Francine

 Checking with the National Hurricane Center at noon today, we find that the disturbance in the Gulf is now Tropical Storm Francine.  The track has shifted east a little bit, and it now looks like it will come ashore near Vermillion Bay in south central Louisiana as a hurricane.  Bad news for Acadiana and the Atchafalaya basin.

It may be prudent to run up to the store and get some gasoline for the generator.  If it comes across us, it will have degraded considerably, but we may be out of power for a few hours.


Anonymous said...

Keep your eyes peeled on this one. This one appears to be skirting us just out of reach in the Gulf, but will supply a small amount of rain as it goes by.

Sailorcurt said...

Get your supplies while the gettin's good. By tomorrow the panic buyers will be out in force.

I keep two 5 gallon cans of stabilized ethanol free gas in my shed for the generator at all times. Once a year, I empty them into my truck to burn and refill them.

I'd keep more if I had the room to store them, but two cans is about all my little shed has room for what with all the other stuff in there.

Learned my lesson back in 2003 when Hurricane Isabel came through here, knocked a tree down on my house and we lost power for 6 days. And it wasn't even a hurricane any more by the time it got to us.