Friday, September 20, 2024


Catching up on my email and other internet activities today, I'm finding some weather-weenies who think that there is a chance for a huge storm to blow  up in the Gulf, so I click over to NOAA and look at their 7-day graphic.

 According to NOAA, there is about a 40% chance of something developing in the next seven days.  But, the weather-weenies are convinced that we have catastrophe looming.  Okay, about a 40% chance.  In the next 10-12 days.  They might be right, or they might not.  I'll wait a week and then see.

I have bigger worries today, like what I'm going to eat for lunch.  My last meal was yesterday, gas station food in Arkansas.  I'll check with Belle and see what se is hungry for, then make the necessary preparations.

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