Friday, September 06, 2024

Daddy Charged

 Fox News is reporting that the father of the Georgia school shooter has been arrested.

Colin Gray was arrested Wednesday and charged with two counts of second-degree murder, four counts of involuntary manslaughter and eight counts of cruelty to children, according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI). Investigators have yet to provide specific evidence related to the charges but have alleged that he knowingly allowed his son to possess a weapon. 

I'm still not ready to opine, but it seems that there were parenting issues in the house.   It will be interesting to see how this plays out. 


glasslass said...

CNN last night had the story that after the shooter and father talked with the FBI last year he then bought the gun for the shooter as a Christmas present. They said it was the same gun the shooter used to kill people. No verification of that so far. And no I do not watch cnn.

Eaton Rapids Joe said...

I think we will all get some kind of lesson out of this.

I am not adverse to people who are reckless with regard to granting access to firearms to people who are emotionally unstable being held accountable.

I also think that all states should remove sales tax from the cost of purchasing gun safes. "If it saves one life...."

Old NFO said...

I'm going to wait 72 hours, as I usually do.

BobF said...

I note the fine line of charging regarding the rifle itself. There is no charge for the act of buying for someone else (the son), rather for allowing someone else (the son) to possess it. Seems they don't want to have to prove a straw purchase.

Termite said...

I think the DA just threw a bunch of charges at the father because it looks good to the press. But reviewing the Georgia state laws, the father cannot be held accountable for murder.
However, there is a real case to be made that he knew of his son's mental issues and making threats, yet bought him the firearm anyway.
That maybe viewed as reckless behavior, and reckless endangerment charges could attach.

Time will tell.