Tuesday, September 03, 2024

It seems that we have a Hamas apologist in the comments section.  He disagrees with me that Hamas is s despicable.  

You were not there, you do not know that the Idf didn't kill them attempting their genocide on anything not bowing to the jews. You have no evidence except what Israel tells you.

Except that it is being generally reported that Hamas leadership has taken credit for the killings, and that Hamas has published orders telling its fighters to kill the hostages if the IDF gets too close.

The simple truth is that this horrible action would not be happening if Hamas had not launched their attack on October 7th.  They slaughtered civilians and killed innocent children.  They took hostages.  All in violation of international law.  Hamas is a criminal organization.  They deserve to be wiped from the earth and thrown on the ash heap of history.  Along with ISIS, the Taliban, and every other terrorist organization.


Eaton Rapids Joe said...

It must mean that you are considered "an influencer" or "an opinion-leader".

It is a backhanded compliment but it is a compliment all the same.

The kindest response you can offer is also the one that will most infuriate them: "I will pray for you. I will pray that you do not have to experience the future that you are trying to program. You are ignorant and God has a history of protecting children, drunks and fools."

Sailorcurt said...

Wow. I just read that comment. I thought about replying with some facts, but there's no point. Not changing that person's mind. Sometimes it's amazing how thoroughly people can be blinded by their own prejudices and hate.

Anonymous said...

Same here; his comment is too out there to respond to.