Monday, September 30, 2024


 After posting this morning, I went to our local electrical supplier, and asked about shop lighting. Specifically, high-bay LED lights. I know, I can order from Amazon, but I wanted to get my hands on one and take a look at it, spend some of my money with the local folks, and educate myself.

They sold me something by ASD Lighting (, their UHB5-PRO series.  $139.00 out the door. I installed a plug, got out a ladder, bung it from a purling, and asked Belle what she thought.    Of course, I had to move the ladder and re-hang the damned thing, but that's how things go in a well-run household.  I have to admit, she was right.

That brightens things up a bit.  The boys had been complaining that the gun cleaning table was a bit dim,   They won't be able to make that complaint now.

And, now that I've educted myself, I can go to Amazon and save a few bucks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been using LED strip lighting for years now. I find the 4 to 5 thousand lumen units good.
The 20k lumen units are way too bright for what I do, but they may work when hung from a high shop or barn ceiling.