Tuesday, June 04, 2024

The Border

 We are given to understand that President Joe is going to sign an executive order today that will fix the border problem.  He's pissed off at Republicans for not giving him a legislative solution that the really doesn't need.

All he really need do is to inform DHS to start enforcing current law.  Start locking up illegals and generally put out the message that the joyride is over.  No amnesty, no asylum, and no staying here illegally.  Just go home, wherever that might be.  Put enough pressure on illegals that they flow south across the border just like they came north.

But, he won't do that.  It will be left to the next president to clean up the mess.


Anonymous said...

Hey - that was how Obama left the country for Trump to fix. What a coincidence !

Andrew said...

For how long did Brandon say the border was closed, that it wasn't a problem and he couldn't fix it without congress, now says he will fix it..