Friday, June 07, 2024


 Now that Donald Trump is a convicted felon, it appears that the NYPD is going to revoke his concealed carry license. I screen-capped this from the Gutfeld! show.

Wow!  I get it, but it begs the question:  Would you rather have a President who is competent to stand trial, or a President who most folks believe is incompetent to stand trial?  It's an interesting question.

While I am a staunch 2A advocate, I do note that Trump has Secret Service protection, and is a resident of Florida. He may simply be ineligible for a NY permit.  It's an interesting question.


Anonymous said...

He has a ccw in nyc? Wow he is connected and really rich.

Old NFO said...

He'll still have USSS coverage, for now...

Anonymous said...

He did have one, having moved to Florida I'm surprised he still has it.
Most states, especially the stupid liberal ones, only issue permits to residents...

Anonymous said...

As I recall, Trump has his own security to watch the Secret Service. If not, he should.
New York carry permits have always been for those with money or power. Not for us.
John in Indy