Saturday, June 29, 2024

Who Is In Charge?

 Asking this question 36 hours after the CNN debate, we have to wonder:  Who is running the country?

What we saw was a sitting President in deep decline.  He was incoherent, had trouble maintaining a line of thought and seemed to be confused and disconnected.  His wife had to lead him off the stage.  This was no deep fake, or crafty editing job.  This was mental decline on plain display for the entire world to watch.

So, we have to ask, who is running the country?

We can draw an historical precedent to the end of the Woodrow Wilson presidency.  But this is not 1919 and Dr. Jill is not an elected official.  If the cabinet were not comprised of cowards and YES men, we might see the 25th Amendment invoked, but don't bet the farm on that happening.  Blinken, Majors's, et al, are happy to keep things the way they are.  Why upset the apple cart?

So, we ask again.  Who is in charge?  The nation deserves an answer.


commoncents said...

Fox News - 'The Five' reacts to Biden's disaster facing off with Trump - Video

ps. could you please add CC to your blogroll? thanks!

Judy said...

Who's in charge? Obama, the puppet of Soros, who is the puppet of the WEF, who is the puppet of (insert your best guess here) is most likely the candidate. None of which are elected or have the best interests of 'We The People' in mind.

bravokilo said...

My question is, who has the nuclear football? Has anyone in the polimedia even asked? It was discussed many times between 2017-2021.
Who would give the final launch command?