Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Hunter Biden Guilty

 News reports from all over are saying that Hunter Biden has been found guilty by  Delaware jury on all counts.  He was charged with three counts relating to purchasing a frearm while addicted to and using cocaine.  The maximum sentence is 25 years.

The next big question is: will his dad pardon him?

We have to divide this question into two scenarios.  Pre-and-post election.   There is no way in hell Joe Biden pardons him prior to the election.  However, once Joe is beaten and the Secret Service is packing his stuff for a move back to Delaware, it would not surprise me if Joe pardons his boy on the way out the door.

But, everyone is reporting that Hunter was found guilty by a jury.  Well done.


Termite said...

The maximum sentence is absolutely ridiculous, a travesty of justice, and he won't get it.

Hunter is a douchebag, and a drug addict. But he doesn't deserve years in prison over a "paperwork and process" crime, where no one was hurt, and no real property damaged.

Fine him, sentence him to a couple yrs probation, and send him to rehab.

And make him acknowledge and support his out-of-wedlock child, and her mother.

Anonymous said...

Just like Al Capone.