Friday, June 28, 2024


 I watched parts of the debate last night.  Joe clearly did not dominate.  If anything, he underperformed.  Trump had a pretty good night.  Last night, the buzz was about Democrat panic.  We'll see how long that lasts, or if they will come together to do the right thing and put Joe out to pasture.

This one screen grab from Fox News seems to capture the concerns that the Democrats have this morning.

From what I understand about the process, even if the cabinet gets together and invokes the 25th Amendment, the delegates at the convention are still pledged to Joe, and we would have the dystopia of him being removed from office and still being the party nominee. 

I knew ranchers who would keep an old horse around the place just because he was a good old horse.  But, they never let him run races.  It looks like the Democrats kept this old horse around too long.


Anonymous said...

The sh**show of replacing FJB at the dnc convention is going to be crazy, as the deadline is long past in all 50 states. Without nationally coordinated shenanigans the only honest way forward would be a write in candidate. Which means every single ballot or any type would have to be hand inspected.
And, given that “determining voter intent” was such a disaster with our old friend Chad a few years back, a feisty GOP could argue that any write in that wasn’t perfectly spelled was illegitimate. So if that person had a difficult to spell name… millions of votes lost on this technicality.

juvat said...

The house of cards came crashing down.


I'm loving every minute of it!


Anonymous said...

I’m inclined it be sympathetic to Joe Biden but he lost the debate. Joe can’t form and speak a cohesive sentence. He needs to drop out of the race.