Friday, June 21, 2024


A minor celebration to be sure, but one that i important to the people of the Deep South.  Today marks the day when the first vine-ripened tomatoes come off the vines that we plant each year.  Ours are a little late this year, normally coming earlier in June, but we are just as excited to see them.  There is nothing like the taste of a vine-ripened tomato, one that has traveled less than fifty feet from the vine to the table.

As is our habit, closer to lunch, I will fry some nice thick-sliced bacon.  These tomatoes are destined for bacon sandwiches.


oldergent said...

It must be a southern thing. I could go through 3 pounds of bacon a week for nice fresh vine ripe bacon tomato sandwiches.

michigan doug said...

Up here in Michigan the mater sammis happen in August.

Eaton Rapids Joe said...

Old dogs, CHildren, Watermelon wine...and fresh 'maters, crispy bacon, good bread and Duke's mayo... is worth a solitary dime...

BobF said...

Central Florida here -- we got ours 3 weeks ago. Not as large as hoped, but any longer and they would have been overripe. Got some thick sliced bacon and my favorite bread and had BLTs exclusively for 3 days! We're learning with sweet potato, too. Like bamboo, they are all over the place.

Anonymous said...

The best ones grow in NJ and arrive late July. A dozen ripe beefsteaks, 4 cloves minced garlic, a big handful of basil from the garden, sea salt and olive oil. That’s the best summer salad you could ask for.

Anonymous said...

Ummm - bacon - tomato sandwiches are the shizzle ! With a slice of cheese of course. For me, make them on toasted bread and I'm in heaven.

Those tomato look awesome - your garden panned out well.

Anonymous said...

Only 2 things that money can’t buy
And that’s true love and home grown tomatoes!!